Room Renovations

Published on 8th November 2023 by

Click here to visit our fundraising page for this project

Following on from our recent cottage upgrades, the next exciting step in our renovations here at Sizewell Hall is to start making improvements to the rooms in the hall. The plan will be to focus on the rooms that have the worst windows first, particularly at the rear of the hall and renovate those rooms while also replacing those windows.

As you will see from the pictures below, in various rooms around the hall, the old carpets are worn and damaged and the curtains are in need of a refresh, there are also areas where the paint is peeling and in need of attention.

To give you an example of the impact your donations will have, we have already made some improvements to Room 1. We have replaced the carpet, repainted the walls and ceilings, repainted some of the furniture and replaced the curtains. We plan to make these same improvements to the rooms we are replacing windows in first, before working our way around the remaining rooms.

We are expecting each room to cost around £1750 to renovate including windows, carpets, curtains, paint etc. We hope to raise £17500 initially to renovate 10 rooms. This will give us a great start to the project and enable us to replace the worst windows.

If you would like to make a donation towards this project, we have created a fundraising page via Stewardship who provide a secure platform to make donations and gift aid those donations. Please click the blue button to visit our fundraising page.

Thank you for supporting this project, donations to this fundraiser will go towards renovation projects. However, if we do not meet our target or receive more than we planned, these funds may be added to our general funds.

Click here to visit our fundraising page for this project

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